
呂俊德 副教授暨管理學院EMBA執行長

呂俊德 副教授暨管理學院EMBA執行長

  • 學歷 德國柏林工業大學經濟與管理博士
  • 專長 德國工業4.0模式、運籌管理、數位化管理、ERP企業流程管理
  • 授課科目 資訊管理、德國工業4.0、ERP全球運籌管理、ERP企業流程管理、ERP生產管理與製造II、程式設計Python、作業管理、數位化管理
  • 研究室 I1-715, I1-231
  • 分機 03-422-7151#66123
  • E-mail leujunder@g.ncu.edu.tw

服務機構/部門 職稱 起迄日
中央大學/管理學院 EMBA 執行長 2023/12/1~0/0/0
香港大學/中國商業學院 客席講師 2018/10/15~0/0/0
中央大學/企業管理學系 系主任 2017/8/1~2020/7/31
德國慕尼黑應用科技大學/企業管理 Fellowship 客座教授 (第2回) 2017/6/1~2017/7/31
商業發展研究院/區域前瞻中心 顧問 2017/5/1~2017/12/31
工業技術研究院/產業經濟研究中心 顧問 2017/4/15~2017/12/31
中部科學園區/智慧機械及航太產業升級計畫 專家咨詢輔導小組委員 2017/1/20~2020/12/31
德國英飛凌半導體 /全球供應鏈管理 專案研究教授 2016/4/1~2016/8/31
德國慕尼黑應用科技大學/企業管理+工業工程 Fellowship 客座教授 2016/2/25~2016/8/31
德國 Deggendorf 理工學院 /國際企業 兼任教授 2016/2/25~2016/7/31
國立中央大學/企業管理學系 副教授 2010/8/1~0/0/0
考試院/國家文官學院 授課師資 2009/7/1~0/0/0
資訊工業策進會/數位教育研究所 授課師資 2006/8/1~2017/9/30
國立中央大學/企業管理學系 助理教授 2002/8/1~2010/7/0
德國 Fraunhofer IPA 工業研究所/電腦整合製造與運籌管理 高級工程師 2001/4/1~2002/7/31
德國英飛凌半導體/運籌管理 高級工程師 2000/8/1~2002/7/31
德國柏林工業大學/計量模型研究所 研究助理 1994/9/1~1996/8/31
國防大學/中正理工學院 少尉預官 1992/10/5~1994/5/31

  1. Jun-Der Leu, Wen-Hsien Tsai, Vivian Mei-Niang & Sophia Chuang (2020), "Benchmarking Sustainable Manufacturing: A DEA-Based Method and Application", Energies, 13(22), pp.5962-5983, (2020 SCI),
  2. Dong-Shang Chang, Jun-Der Leu, Wen-Sheng Wang & Yi-Chun Chen (2018), "Improving waiting time for surgical rooms using workflow and the six-sigma method", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, -(-), pp.-, (2018 SSCI), (On-line published, 2018-03. DOI:10.1080/14783363.2018.1456329).
  3. Jun-Der Leu, Larry Jung-Hsing Lee (2017), "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation Using the Value Engineering Methodology and Six-Sigma Tools", Enterprise Information Systems, 11(8), pp.1243-1261, (NSC104-2410-H-008-066),(2017 SCI),
  4. Larry Jung-Hsin Lee and Jun-Der Leu (2016), "Exploring the effectiveness of IT application and value method in the innovation performance of enterprise", International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 12(2), pp.47-65, (2016 SCI),
  5. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee, Jun-Der Leu and Yi-Wei Huang (2016), "Using ICT to improve service quality", International Journal of Electric Business and Management, 14(1), pp.52-60, (2016 EI),
  6. Jun-Der Leu, Larry Jung-Hsing Lee and André Krischke (2016), "Value engineering-based method for implementing the ISO14001 system in the green supply chains", International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 7(4), pp.1-20, (2016 EconLit),
  7. Wen-Hsien Tsai, Hui-Chiao Chen, Jui-Chu Chang, Jun-Der Leu, Der Chao Chena and Yuyun Purbokusumoa (2015), "Performance of the internal audit department under ERP systems: empirical evidence from Taiwanese firms", Enterprise Information Systems, 9(7), pp.725-742, (2015 SCI),
  8. Wen-Hsien Tsai, Yu-Wei Chou, Jun-Der Leu, Der Chao Chen and Tsen-Shu Tsaur (2015), "Investigation of the mediating effects of IT governance-value delivery on service quality and ERP performance", Enterprise Information Systems, 9(2), pp.139-160, (2015 SCI),
  9. Jun-Der Leu and Meu-Niang Fan (2014), "Performance evaluation of green supply chains: A DEA-based approach for the chemical industry", Journal of Computers, 9(11), pp.2733-2737, (2014 EI),
  10. Jun-Der Leu, Yu-Hui Chiu and Hsueh-Ling Ku (2014), "The Management and Application of a Radio Frequency Identification System in Operating Rooms", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 269, pp.393-402, (2014 EI),
  11. Wen-Hsien Tsai, Ching-Chien Yang, Jun-Der Leu, Ya-Fen Lee and Chih-Hao Yang (2013), "An Integrated Group Decision Making Support Model for Corporate Financing Decisions", Group Decision and Negotiation, 22(6), pp.1103-1127, (2013 SSCI),
  12. Wen-Hsien Tsai, Hui-Chiao Chen, Jun-Der Leu, Yao-Chung Chang, Thomas W. Lin (2013), "A product-mix decision model using green manufacturing technologies under activity-based costing", Journal of Cleaner Production, 57, pp.178-187, (2013 SCI),
  13. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang (2011), "E-logistics of Global Manufacturing Enterprise: A Case Study", The International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 18(7), pp.344-356, (2011 SCI),
  14. Wen-Hsien Tsai、Wen-Chin Chou、 Jun-Der Leu (2011), "An  Effectiveness Evaluation Model for the Web-based Marketing of the Airline Industry", Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), pp.15499-15516, (2011 SCI),
  15. Jun-Der Leu、 Yu-Tsung Huang (2011), "Factory Relocation of Global  Manufacturing Enterprises: A Case Study", International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory, Applications and Practice, 18(10), pp.524-535, (2011 SCI),
  16. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang (2011), "An Application of Business Process Method to the Clinical Efficiency of Hospital", Journal of Medical Systems, 35(3), pp.409-421, (2011 SCI),
  17. Fang-Ping Chen、Jun-Der Leu (2011), "Product involvement in the link between skepticism toward advertising and ad effects", Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 39(2), pp.153-159, (2011 SSCI),
  18. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang、 Li-Ting Huang (2011), "Effectiveness of Inter-organizational Systems in Global Manufacturing: Evidence from Industrial Cases in Taiwan",  International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences , 2(1), pp.1947-8577,
  19. 王俊中 、許秉瑜、 呂俊德、 蕭文龍、 謝淑慈 (2010), "全球供應鏈產銷規劃之決策支援架構: 決策模型與演算法", 台大管理論叢, 20(2), pp.135-172, (2010 TSSCI),
  20. Wen-Hsien Tsai、 Jun-Der Leu、 Jau-Yang Liu、 Sin-Jin Lin、 Michael J. Shaw (2010), "A MCDM Approach for Sourcing Strategy Mix Decision in IT Projects", Expert Systems with Applications, 37(1), pp.3870-3886, (2010 SCI),
  21. Jun-Der Leu, Ta-Chung Wen and Kuei-Hu Chang (2010), "Development and Application of a Decision Model for the Integrated Production and Material Planning of Color Filter Manufacturing Industry: An Empirical Study", International Journal of Industrial Engineering- Theory, Applications and Practice, 17(4), pp.300-309, (2010 SCI),
  22. Larry J.H. Lee、Jun-Der Leu (2010), "Supply Network Configuration Using the Value Engineering Based Method", International Journal of Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications and Practice, 17(1), pp.58-68, (2010 SCI),
  23. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang (2009), "Advantage Analysis of the Global Supply Network Configuration using Air-Cargo Logistics Center in the Free Trade Zone", International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems, 6, pp.1190-1194 ,
  24. 呂俊德(Jun-Der Leu)、陳芳萍(Fang-Ping Chen) (2009), "訂貨過程滿意度對實現過程滿意度之研究-以價格滿意度為中介變數", 電子商務研究, 7(4), pp.427-444,
  25. YU-PING OU YANG、HOW-MING SHIEH、JUN-DER LEU、GWO-HSHIUNG TZENG (2009), "A VIKOR-Based Multiple Criteria Decision Method for Improving Information Security Risk", International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 8(2), pp.267-287, (2009 SCI),
  26. Yu-Ping Ou Yang, How-Ming Shieh, Jun-Der Leu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng (2008), "A Novel Hybrid MCDM Model Combined with DEMATEL and ANP with Applications", International Journal of Operations Research, 5(3), pp.160-168,
  27. 呂俊德 Leu, Jun-Der、黃郁琮 Huang, Yu-Tsung (2007), "3C 產業運籌體系再造及其電子化環境建置之個案研究", 電子商務學報, 9(3), pp.529-553, (2007 TSSCI),
  28. 呂俊德 Leu, Jun-Der、黃郁琮 Huang, Yu-Tsung (2007), "以資訊策略規劃觀點評析一個成衣產業導入 SAP R/3 的個案", 電子商務學報, 9(1), pp.119-146, (2007 TSSCI), (2007企業資源規劃學會年會暨研討會最佳論文獎佳作).
  29. Wen-Hsien Tsai、Yi-Wen Fan、 Jun-Der Leu、 Li-Wen Chou、 Ching-Chien Yang (2007), "The Relationship Between Implementation Variables and Performance Improvement of ERP Systems", International Journal of Technology Management,, 38(4), pp.350-373, (2007 SSCI),
  30. Jen-Ming Chen, Liang-Tu Chen, Jun-Der Leu (2006), "Developing optimization models for cross-functional decision-making: integrating marketing and production planning", OR Spectrum, 28(1), pp.223-240, (2006 SCI),
  31. Che-Yao Chen、Jun-Der Leu 、 Chyou-Huey Chiou (2006), "The Impact of e-Supply Chain Capability on Competitive Advantage and Organizational Performance", International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 4(5), pp.419-427,
  32. Liang, C. C., Hsu, P. Y., Leu, J. D., Luh, H. (2005), ""Industrial Track: An effective approach for content delivery in an evolving intranet environment- a case study of the largest telecom company in Taiwan"", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3806, pp.740–749, (2005 SCI),
  33. Wen-Hsien Tsai, Shih-Wen Chien, Ping-Yu Hsu and Jun-Der Leu (2005), "Identification of critical failure factors in the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in Taiwan’s industries"", Intl. J. Management and Enterprise Development, 2(2), pp.219-239,
  34. 呂俊德, 蕭家安 (2005), ""以規則式專家系統方法改良SAP-APO 方案中產銷規劃機制之探討"", 電子商務學報, 7(4), pp.351-370, (2005 TSSCI),
  35. H. Y. Lin, K. Y. Lai, W. L. Shiau, P. Y. Hsu, J. D. Leu, W. H. Tsai, M. S. Cheng, Y. W. Fan (2004), ""The Evaluation of Post Implementation ERP Investment Performance by DEA Approach"", 電子商務學報, 6(3), pp.175-191,
  36. 蔡文賢, 簡世文, 呂俊德, 許秉瑜, 范懿文, 鄭明松 (2003), ""建構ERP系統之績效評估指標"", 電子商務學報, 5(1), pp.107-128,

  1. Jun-Der Leu and Shi-Tzi Tseng(2016), "Using Clinical Data to Predict Surgical Overtime: An Artificial Neural Networks–based Method", 28th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2016), (Poland,Poznan),
  2. Fan, Mei-Niang, Leu, Jun-Der and Krischke, André(2016), "The Evaluation of Green Manufacturing: A DEA-based Approach", The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), (Indonesia,Bali),
  3. Leu, Jun-Der and Lee, Larry Jung-Hsing and Huang, Yi-Wei(2016), "A regression-based approach to identifying factors affecting operational efficiency in surgical rooms", The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), (Indonesia,Bali),
  4. Lee, Larry Jung-Hsing, Krischke, Andre and Leu, Jun-Der, (2016), "Value management in ISO14001 compliant green supply chain: A case study of global electronics manufacturing company", The 46th. International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (China,Tianjin),
  5. Leu, Jun-Der and Lee, Larry Jung-Hsing and Huang, Yi-Wei(2016), "A SAP R/3 based solution for supply chain planning", The 46th. International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (China,Tianjin),
  6. Leu, Jun-Der and Lee, Ehm, Hans, Larry Jung-Hsing and Huang, Yi-Wei,(2016), "Network-flows optimization in the semiconductors manufacturing supply chain", The 46th. International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (China,Tianjin),
  7. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee, Jun-Der Leu and Yi-Wei Huang(2015), "A Value Engineering Based Method of Configuring ICT-Based Customer Service Centers", The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), (China,Shanghai),
  8. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee, Jun-Der Leu and Yi-Wei Huang(2015), "Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Using the Value Engineering and System Dynamics Methods", The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering (ICISCE), (Shanghai,China),
  9. Jun-Der Leu and Yu-Tsung Huang(2013), "A process-oriented method for realizing quality management systems", The 16th. QMOD conference on Quality and Service Sciences ICQSS 2013, (Slovnia,Porotorz),
  10. Mei-Niang Fan and Jun-Der Leu(2013), "Benchmarking the Green Performance of Global Manufacturing: An Application of DEA-Bad Output Model", The 43th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (China,Hong Kong),
  11. Jun-Der Leu and Yuan-Kuei Huang(2012), "A logistics planning method for the two-echelon distribution systems", The 2012 International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, (Germany,Bremen),
  12. Shei-Ling Ku、Jun-Der Leu(2011), "The roles of operating room nurses on the electronic nursing records - an example of the Radio Frequency Identification System", ISQua’s 28th International Conference, (Hong-Kong,),
  13. Shei-Ling Ku、Jun-Der Leu(2011), "Application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for surgery scheduling management", ISQua’s 28th International Conference, (Hong-Kong,),
  14. Jun-Der Leu、Larry J.-H. Lee (2011), "Global supply network optimization by locating production and distribution facilities in the Free Trade Zone", The 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL2011), ( Germany,Berlin),
  15. 黃元奎、盧蔚駿、呂俊德(2011), "區域運籌中心配銷計劃方法之發展", 2011台灣作業研究學會學術研討會, (台灣,台北),
  16. Yuan-Kuei Huang、Wei-Jun Lu、Jun-Der Leu (2011), "A logistics execution method for the regional distribution center", The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), (Singapore,),
  17. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee、Jun-Der Leu(2010), "Using Value Engineering and TRIZ for Better Business Process Management ", The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ( Japan, Awaji Yumebutai),
  18. Jun-Der Leu、Chon-You Chen (2010), "A MRP-II based Planning Method for the TFT-LCD Manufacturing", The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, ( Japan, Awaji Yumebutai),
  19. Leu, Jun-Der、Huang, Yu-Tsung、Huang, Li-Ting(2010), "Effectiveness of Inter-organizational Systems in Global Manufacturing: Evidence from Industrial Cases in Taiwan", IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, (Germany,Freiburg),
  20. Jun-Der Leu、Larry J.-H. Lee (2010), "Global Supply Network Configuration considering the Application of Free Trade Zones and Industrial Parks: A Decision Model and Application Case ", The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), (Macau,),
  21. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee 、 Jun-Der Leu(2009), "ERP systems improvement using value engineering and system dynamics ", The 14th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, ( USA,Anaheim, California),
  22. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang(2009), "Global Supply Network Configuration using Air-cargo Free Trade Zones: A Simulation-based Approach", The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), ( Hong-Kong,),
  23. Wen-Hsien Tsai、Jun-Der Leu、Wen-Ching Chou(2009), "Building an effective evaluation model of e-commerce systems for the airline industry", The 17th European Conference on Information Systems, (Italy,Verona),
  24. Jun-Der Leu、 Yu-Tsung Huan(2009), "Advantage analysis of the global supply network configuration using air-cargo logistics center in the Free Trade Zone", The 5th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, (Korea,Seoul),
  25. Jun-Der Leu、 Yeh-Hsin Yu(2009), "A simulation-based method for the capacity optimization of semiconductors manufacturing fabs", The 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (IEEE Xplore indexed) , ( France,Troyes),
  26. Jun-Der Leu、Li-Ting Huang(2009), "Logistics planning of the IC manufacturing industry: A method based on the SAP-APO ", The 39th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering(IEEE Xplore indexed) , (France,Troyes),
  27. 黃郁琮、呂俊德、陳明慧(2008), "桃園航空自由貿易港區在空運進出口運籌模式下經濟效益評估方法之發展", 2008年運輸年會, (台灣,高雄),
  28. 黃郁琮、呂俊德、王俊中(2008), "產業運籌電子化成效之探討", 2008年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (,中壢),
  29. 蔡文賢、呂俊德、陳淑萍(2008), "企業資源規劃系統導入績效之研究-以企業流程再造觀點討論", 2008年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (,中壢),
  30. 呂俊德、王俊中(2008), "SAP-APO 架構下一個跨國多廠區供應鏈網路規劃方法之發展", 2008年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (,中壢),
  31. Jung-Hsing Lee、Jun-Der Leu(2008), "Green supply chain optimization using the value engineering methodologies ", The 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (china, Beijing),
  32. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang(2008), "Application of value engineering and six-sigma methodologies to the ERP systems implementation", The 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (china, Beijing),
  33. Jun-Der Leu、Li-Ting Huang(2008), "Logistics planning of the IC manufacturing industry: A method based on the SAP-APO", The 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (china, Beijing),
  34. Jun-Der Leu (2007), "A LP-based Decision Model for the International Tax Strategy of Multinational Enterprise", The 22nd European Conference on Operational Research, ( Czech Republic, Prague),
  35. 呂俊德、王俊中、陳重佑(2007), "以產品裝配為觀點探討 TFT-LCD 製造業資材規劃問題之研究", 2007年中華決策科學學會年會暨研討會, (台灣,台中),
  36. 呂俊德、宋旻儀、王俊中(2007), "3C 產業實體通路商設立區域運籌中心之決策評估:數學規劃方法的應用", 2007年中華民國商業流通研討會, (台灣,高雄),
  37. 黃郁琮、呂俊德、陳哲堯(2007), "以數學規劃方法解析台灣自由貿易港區的應用優勢", 2007年中華民國商業流通研討會, (台灣,高雄),
  38. 王俊中、呂俊德(2007), "跨國多廠區供應鏈型態下產銷計劃方法之發展", 2007台灣作業研究學會學術研討會, (台灣,花蓮),
  39. 黃郁琮、呂俊德(2007), "以財務績效的觀點探討產業運籌電子化成效之研究", 2007年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (台灣,台中),
  40. 王俊中、呂俊德(2007), "全球運籌管理中跨國多廠的產銷決策模式:一個在APS 架構下的規劃方法", 2007年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (台灣,台中),
  41. 呂俊德、陳秀貲、王俊中、黃郁琮(2007), "一個ARIS 流程管理方法論在醫院急診部門的應用案例", 2007年企業資源規劃年會暨學術與實務研討會, (台灣,台中),
  42. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee, Jun-Der Leu and C. Jimmy Shih(2006), "SCOR-based Supply Network Planning: A Case Study", The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, (Taiwan,Taipei),
  43. 黃郁琮、呂俊德(2006), "財務績效探討產業運籌B計劃成效 ", 2006產業運籌電子化研討會, (台灣, 宜蘭),
  44. 王俊中、呂俊德、張峰誠、蕭家安(2006), "SAP-APO方案中產銷計劃方法的改良:一個兩階段式的規劃方法", 2006產業運籌電子化研討會, (台灣, 宜蘭),
  45. 陳哲堯、呂俊德、邱求慧(2006), "製造業電子化的效益評估:資訊策略規劃的觀點", 2006產業運籌電子化研討會, (台灣,宜蘭),
  46. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang、Min-Hui Chen(2006), "A decision model for the integration of MRP and production planning for the global semiconductor manufacturing enterprise ", The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, ( Japan,Nagoya),
  47. Jun-Der Leu、Yu-Tsung Huang、Wei-Jun Lu (2006), "E-logistics of global manufacturing enterprise: a case study ", The 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, ( Japan,Nagoya),
  48. 邱約敦、呂俊德、王俊中(2006), "成衣產業導入ERP運籌管理方案之個案研討", 2006企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, (台灣,台北),
  49. 陳秀貲、呂俊德、蔡玟純、黃郁琮、蕭家安(2006), "流程管理方法在醫院管理的應用: 以急診部門為例 ", 2006企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, (台灣,台北),
  50. 黃郁琮、施志明、呂俊德(2006), "大同公司3C事業以運籌體系再造及電子化提高營運績效之個案研究 ", 2006企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, (台灣,台北),
  51. Larry Jung-Hsing Lee and Jun-Der Leu (2005), "Value-based supply network planning of the global manufacturing enterprise:a case study”", Conference of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, (,),
  52. Jun-Der Leu and Da-Jung Wen (2005), "“Application of LP-based method for the integrated production and material planning of color filter manufacturing in the TFT-LCD industry: A case study”,", The 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey. , ., (,),
  53. Jun-Der Leu (2005), "“ERP-based logistics planning for the semiconductors manufacturing enterprise: framework and algorithms”", The 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, (,),
  54. 蔡文賢, 呂俊德, 陳淑萍(2005), "企業流程對ERP績效改善之影響", 企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, 台北, (,),
  55. 呂俊德, 朱仲翔(2005), "以企業流程方法規劃飛航後勤維修體系之研究", 企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, 台北, (,),
  56. 呂俊德, 蕭家安(2005), "以規則式專家系統方法改良 SAP-APO 方案中產銷規劃機制之探討", 企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, 台北., (,),
  57. 溫大君, 呂俊德(2005), "TFT-LCD 產業中彩色濾光片製造業的運籌管理解決方案", 產學合作產業電子化研討會, 台北., (,),
  58. 林川傑, 呂俊德, 黃郁琮(2005), "企業應用自由貿易港區進行全球運籌營運的決策模式", 第二屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2005年科技與管理學術研討會, 台北, (,),
  59. 邱麗玉, 呂俊德, 王俊中(2005), "半導體產業以多廠區製程資源整合方式提高作業績效之個案研究", 中國工業工程學會2005年會暨學術研討會, 新竹, (,),
  60. 呂俊德, 王俊中(2005), "用啟發式演算法求解企業運籌管理問題的探討", 中國工業工程學會2005年會暨學術研討會, 新竹, (,),
  61. Jun-Der Leu (2004), "“Collaboration of production and demand planning for global manufacturing industries: a decision model based on APS”", The 33rd. International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, (,),
  62. Jun-Der Leu (2004), "“A Productivity-oriented capacity optimization model for the semiconductors manufacturing company”,", The 33rd. International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Jeju, Korea, (,),
  63. 周詩深、周富得、呂俊德、王全福(2004), "中小型傳統產業企業資源規劃系統之建置評估與推動實務—C公司ERP推導個案研討", 企業資源規劃研究暨實務研討會, (,),
  64. 黃郁琮, 呂俊德(2004), "企業流程為核心的金融企業e化: 以存款業務為例,", 第五屆電子化經營管理理論暨實務研討會, 彰化., (,),
  65. 黃郁琮, 呂俊德(2004), "企業流程為核心的食品產業運籌體系規劃:低溫物流部份", 管理發展與前瞻學術研討會, 中壢., (,),
  66. 黃郁琮, 呂俊德(2004), "以財務面為觀點的全球運籌營運決策: 數學規劃模型的應用", 第一屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2004年科技與管理學術研討會, 台北., (,),
  67. 呂俊德, 廖宜陞(2004), "電子產業應用自由貿易港區進行全球運籌營運的經濟效益評估模式", 第一屆台灣作業研究學會學術研討會暨2004年科技與管理學術研討會, 台北., (,),
  68. 呂俊德, 陳國浩(2004), "一個半導體產業的運籌管理模式:生產計畫與資材規劃之協同部份", 中國工業工程學會2004年會暨學術研討會, 台南., (,),
  69. Jun-Der Leu (2003), "“Advanced planning system for semiconductors industry: framework and algorithms”,", International Semiconductors Equipment and Materials Symposiums, SEMICON Taiwan, (,),
  70. Jun-Der Leu, Hui-Chia Tseng, John Yuan (2003), "“Global capacity planning for semiconductors industry:A Model based on the APS”", Conference of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering, (,),
  71. 周詩深、呂俊德、郭志良(2003), "整合核心流程與管理方法建構企業績效管理架構", 提昇台灣執行力學術研討會, 中壢, (,),
  72. 范美娘、呂俊德(2003), "電子產業執行生產基地移轉之個案研討", 提昇台灣執行力學術研討會, 中壢, (,),
  73. 呂俊德、彭議慶、阮約翰(2003), "全球運籌管理中產銷協同之決策模式", 工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, (,),

項次 主持人類型 執行起迄日 計畫名稱/計畫編號 補助或委託單位
1 主持人 2020/8 ~2021/7 城市物流在應用電動車情況下的配送途程計畫方法之發展
NSTC 1092410H008040
2 主持人 2019/8 ~2020/7 台灣地區中小企業供應鏈特性之探討: 結構配適的觀點
NSTC 1082410H008060
3 主持人 2017/8 ~2018/7 城市物流在考量碳排放情況下的車輛途程計畫方法
NSTC 1062410H008062
4 共同主持人 2017/3 ~2018/2 生產力4.0精微模具之智能化電加工複合製程技術及整合系統研發(II)(1/2)
NSTC 1062218E008006
5 主持人 2016/8 ~2017/7 台灣地區中小型企業綠色供應鏈實踐模式之探討
NSTC 1052410H008056
6 共同主持人 2016/3 ~2018/4 生產力4.0精微模具之智能化電加工複合製程技術及整合系統研發
NSTC 1052218E008008
7 主持人 2015/8 ~2016/7 區域物流中心在使用電動車情況下的商品配送途程計劃方法之發展
NSTC 1042410H008066
8 主持人 2013/8 ~2014/7 區域物流中心在考量碳排放量情況下的配送途程計劃方法之發展
NSTC 1022410H008044
9 主持人 2013/7 ~2013/8 企業流程再造現場輔導
10 主持人 2013/3 ~2013/5 華南金控銷售動能提昇計劃-企業流程再造部份
11 主持人 2013/3 ~2013/9 工業管理六講
12 主持人 2013/2 ~2013/10 企業流程再造
13 主持人 2012/8 ~2013/7 跨國供應鏈中區域物流中心商品儲運計劃方法之發展
NSTC 1012410H0080640
14 主持人 2011/8 ~2012/7 國際運籌港區競爭力影響因素之探討: 物流產業的觀點
NSTC 1002410H008061
15 主持人 2011/8 ~2012/7 以沉浸理論觀點探討建立個人化推薦系統再使用意圖與採用建議為決策依據意圖之前置因素與調節因素
16 主持人 2010/9 ~2012/3 企業流程再造計劃
17 共同主持人 2010/6 ~2011/7 醫院手術室績效指標與影響因素探討
18 主持人 2009/8 ~2010/7 台中榮民總醫院SAP-醫療後勤再造參考模式之發展
19 主持人 2009/8 ~2010/7 探討影響不同行為類別的會員採用虛擬社群資訊作為購買決策依據的重要因素之研究
20 主持人 2008/8 ~2009/7 醫院管理系統改進與流程再造計劃:(五)台中榮民總醫院SAP-醫務管理流程模式之發展
21 主持人 2008/1 ~2009/12 精實生產
22 主持人 2007/7 ~2008/12 供應鏈管理計劃
23 主持人 2006/8 ~2007/7 從產業供應鏈觀點探討桃園航空自由貿易港區招商策略之研究
24 主持人 2005/1 ~2006/2 海巡後勤整合與前瞻規劃之研究

  • 李傑 et al. (2017),從大數據到智慧生產與服務創新,前程文化,(中文繁體)
  • (2006),進階ERP企業資源規劃-運籌管理,前程文化,(中文繁體)

項次 獲獎年度(西元) 獎項名稱 頒發單位
1 2019 臺北市立成功高中傑出校友 台北市立成功高中
2 2016 Honorary Fellow 德國慕尼黑應用科技大學
3 2012 國立中央大學管理學院資深優良教師 國立中央大學